Monday, October 17, 2011

Such a Long Day!

 I was so busy this weekend!
Mommy got me up early on Saturday,
because we had things to do!

We went to visit Lise and walked around Thomas Circle.

It was a nice, breezy morning, 
and, of course, lots of people say "hello" to me.

Then, we walked to the nail salon to get pedicures.

I helped mommy
choose a
 After that, I was ready to walk around some more, so we met up with Marshall and did some shopping.

The Tiny Jewel Box - again!!  :(
But, I'm like a movie star in there.
I walk in and someone says,
"Is that Miri?  Hey, everyone, look, it's Miri!"

Here I am at Pinkberry.

Yum yum.

I pranced around downtown for a while,
until mommy said it was time to go pick up grandma at the airport.  

Oh boy!  I love grandma,
and I love going bye bye in the car.

It was such a pretty day, and we were early, so we checked out the waterfowl sanctuary near the airport.

Finally, it was time to see grandma,
and I helped mommy look for her outside of the airport.

Mommy got us stuck in traffic,
but grandma saved the day and found a way out!

I had a very short nap, and then
we went to the Temple to pick up grandma's brand new car.

Here we are.  Three beautiful ladies.

I helped grandma sign the paperwork.

People from the dealership kept stopping in
to see me and play with me.

And then, the BEST THING happened.
Korben Dallas walked in!!!
(oh, and Uncle Alex.)

I hadn't seen Korben in weeks, because we had to be quarantined from each other.
I was so excited to see him.
What a great surpise!

We were making too much noise,
saying "hi" to each other and playing,
so mommy and Uncle Alex took us outside.

By the time we got to grandma's,
I was ready for the day to be over.

I wolfed down my dinner, found a good lap,
and passed right out.


  1. That beats any busy day I ever had.
    (And it wasn't over for you Sarah...isn't that the night we went to Alan and Louise's succah?)
