Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Another Vacation?

 Mommy says we're going to the beach.  Hurray!

I'm still not one hundred percent sure I get to go, yet.

Out to Dinner at Founding Farmers . . .

What a yummy restaurant!
I was a very good girl,
so I got fish and chicken, a carrot,
and half of a mussel! 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Snake Charmer . . .

Our Ancient Lineage . . .

Proof that Korben and I descend from a long line
of carefully-bred and honored Chins.

Friday, November 25, 2011

My Visit to Brooklyn . . .

When I was in New York, we went to Brooklyn
to shop at the farmers' market.

Mommy wanted me to pose with the
Empire State Building in the background,
but I was too busy staring down a really big dog.

Picking out some doughnuts . . .


I was getting a lot of adoring looks.

You can tell I made this guy's day.

Me and My Two Buddies . . .

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Getting Psyched for Turkey . . .

Dixon and Marshall came over to cook macaroni and cheese
for our big Thanksgiving Feast. 

I was excited to see them.

Now, we're relaxing in the sun,
until it's time to go to Korben's house.

My Feline Friends . . .

I made "friends" with Boo Boo and Dempsey.

Well, they weren't very interested in playing with me.

Also, I think they were mad, because
I kept sneaking in to eat their food.

Dempsey stalked me while I slept.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It's Official . . .

I am an obedience school graduate!

 When I walked in, the big dogs wanted to play with me.

I was supposed to pretend the teacher was grandma,
but I already have a grandma, so I wasn't interested.

Heeling.  Not my best work.

A perfect down stay!

Getting my certificate.
Mommy was so proud!

Monday, November 21, 2011


I got to go to Esca!
I got to go to Esca!


Mommy let me try almost all the dishes.

I sat in my bag and stared at her intently, hoping for more.

It was a fishy feast!

Me and Mom on Fifth Avenue . . .

We walked over to Saks for soup and french fries
(and to look at shoes)
and stopped for a photo on the way.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Out to Dinner at Sevilla . . .

Samantha came out for paella with us. 
I had lobster and a carrot!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I Got Sushi!

Mommy ordered me my very own sashimi.



Friday, November 18, 2011

Road Trip to the Big City!

Mommy was packing her suitcase.
I stared at her to make sure she was packing my stuff, too.

Then, Angie picked us up,
and we went bye bye in the minivan. 

We were getting close . . .

Angie did a great job driving, and we made it!

She has a really nice apartment.

There are cats here!

This one is Dempsey.

I found one of the cat toys to play with (a mouse - with catnip!).

When it was time to go to sleep, I settled right in.

Road trips are exhausting.

Mommy took me for a walk around the block, this morning.

There are tons of good smells here, just like in Rome.

I think I am going to have a fun time here in New York City.