Miri Lovers Speak:

"She's a peppy little thing, isn't she?"

"She's like a little mountain goat."  (Miri likes to climb onto people's shoulders.)

"I guess that's the definition of a lap dog."

"Oh, I do wish we could see her again!" - little girl on her way home from school

"I'm Japanese, too!"  (Miri is a Japanese Chin -Poodle mix.)

"I've never seen one so cute."

"A Chin-Poodle mix.  Such a pretty combination."

"Well, you must be the smallest dog in the neighborhood.  I've seen 'em small, but not that small!"

"Miri's the alpha."

"She's as cute from behind as she is from the front."

"Oh my g-d!  You have the cutest dog ever.  It's like a little fluff ball."

"You might just be the cutest puppy in the whole world."

"Miri's the micro Korben."

"She's a miracle.  That's what she is."

"You're smaller than my cat, but you're cute anyway."

"If that dog were any bigger, she'd be hell on wheels."

"She has charisma."

"Oh my!  You are so ferocious.  You scared the life out of me!"

"She looks like a cat."

"Look at that face!"

"So, Miri is the super smart genius of the class." - obedience school instructor

"She's a little busy body.  That's what she is." - grandma

"Zee success of zees dog - eet is unbelievable!"

"She's so cute it's scary."

"THIS is something special."

"I WANT that dog!" - little girl

"This is Miri, the most adorable dog on the planet." -Petco manager to trainees

"She's portable."

"I think this dog heard somewhere that possession is nine-tenths of the law."

"That's not a dog.  That's a person."

"Is it a rabbit?"

"She's so beautiful, I can't stop looking at her."

"We never loved anyone like this." - Mum Mum

"She has so many secret charms."

"Oooooeee!  I just melted."

"Miri, you're just about as cute as they come."

"She has a wonderful prance."

"She's walking like a big ol' proud doggy."

"You're totally cute beyond belief."  

"You're TOO cute. It's like crack!"

"There's TWO of them!" 

"Are you sure you're a dog?"

"You couldn't be more beautiful."

*points to Miri*
"That's the best one."

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